Why You Should Take Time to Rest this Holiday Season

Person in slippers with their feet up.

As entrepreneurs, team leaders, or independent business owners, we can have a hard time carving out time for rest. However, it is the end of a tumultuous year and if you’re feeling exhausted, then you probably are nearing burnout. It can be tempting to dive into our 2021 analytics, lay out all of our plans for 2022, and then get a “head start” on those plans because we think that will set us up for a great year. However, plowing ahead like that can actually set you back.

We recommend taking time to rest. If you have a few days off, then really focus on filling your cup, whatever that means to you. In addition to rest, spend some time reflecting. Reflect on your wins and losses this past year, and your dreams for the next year. Dedicating time to rest and reflect can give you more energy and inspiration to tackle your biggest business goals for the new year.

Read more on holiday rest here.

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